Saturday, March 22, 2008

CF Camp

Hahaha after much procrastination i finally am writing about CF camp.So potong steam (: oh well what steam is there in Genting anyway haha besides me/gloria being so hot and vaporising water vapour xD hahaha [inside joke]
So...Camp was fun (: especially the sermons..SHUT UP xD many people misunderstand that phrase but it actually means "i dont believe u" haha its the african-american-bimbo language.
When we arrived at peacehaven.It was COLD.haha people say its global warming because there was so much mist ,but when i told my brother,he said "if it was global warming genting will get hotter" ops..proven wrong again haha i dont know which day was it but when we were eating lunch , the fish tasted like chemical..after eating the first bite,i almost vomited xD then i swallowed it xP someone even gave me a SECOND SERVING of that crap!guess what i ate it again HAhaha then i tasted like BRAKE smell..[u know when coming down from genting,busses ,lorries or spoiled cars got this weird brake smell..actually its burning rubber smell] but i kept quiet...till someone said "the fish tastes weird" then i said brake taste and they agreed.:S all in all i got closer to acquaintances and made new friends.i also reconciled with old friends (:

Oh and at the same time the dj-ians were having their camp somewhere up there..they told me which hotel but i really donno haha but their camp was more liberal.they got to SHOP and DROP xD.

As i got back to reality i realised that i missed my add-maths tuition because i didnt realise it clashed with my camp and i also missed my physics tuition because i forgot to go for the replacement class -___- so all in all i missed 14 EXERCISE PAGES of EQUATIONS full of that mad smiling and sad and stupid faces graphs xD and a subtopic of when i went for the following week's was like the teacher was speaking german XD
Thats all for now (:

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